These 4 zodiac signs will be most affected by September’s lunar eclipse

A partial lunar eclipse is happening in the sign of Pisces on September 17th. While all zodiac signs will feel the effects of this climactic occasion, four signs in particular are poised for breakthroughs and breakdowns.

Illuminating the effect of the eclipse for us is the brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim, founder of Inner Worlds Astrology.

“The four mutable signs—Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius—are experiencing powerful release because the eclipse is activating their mode,” according to Grim.

Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim says mutable signs are in for a wild ride.

Because Pisces is the sign of dissolution and illusion, Grim promises that “this eclipse can really shatter delusional perspectives for people and can help them wake up to any idealistic or unrealistic perspectives that have been holding back their progress.” .

Grim claims that while mutable signs will be most affected by the eclipse, they will experience it in different ways.

Read if you have major placements, AKA personal planets, in the four signs below.

For Gemini, this eclipse is activating their career sector. Sergey Kamshylin –

For Gemini, this eclipse illuminates their tenth house of vocation and public standing.

“It’s about your career and your role as an authority figure,” Grim tells The Post. “I think Gemini can make some career transitions during this eclipse; they may rise to a higher status or wake up from delusional beliefs and realize they want to make a difference. This is a time to reassess whether their career is leading them to fulfillment; if it’s not, then they need to start making the change.”

If you’re a Gemini inclined toward said change, Grim advises waiting until Saturn turns direct on November 16 to make money moves.

Because the tenth house is associated with parents, role models and authority figures, Grim says the eclipse can be a time when power struggles are resolved, veils are removed and acceptance reigns.

“If you’re a Gemini locked in a power struggle with your parents, this can help you sort it out,” he says. “Or if you’ve idolized something about them, you can change that perspective and apply more realism to it. Twins may also experience a shift in perspectives about their role as parents.”

This eclipse will cause Virgos to reconsider partnerships of all kinds. Sergey Kamshylin –

“For Virgos, this eclipse is a major release point in important relationships,” Grim tells The Post. “They may suddenly realize that they are completely in the wrong partnership or need to heal something to get closer to their partner. Virgo may have a change of heart or perspective on relationships in general; maybe they realize they’d rather display a different kind of partner.”

Grim emphasized that this eclipse is essential for Virgos in terms of connection, communication and clarity.

“Ideally, they enter into a more transparent relationship dynamic, and with Mercury also in their sign at this time, Virgos are really perceptive and their bull detectors are really working,” he says.

Sagittarius will see home and family themes illuminated by this eclipse. Sergey Kamshylin –

“For Sagittarius, this eclipse potentially signals a major change regarding their home or family,” Grim tells The Post. “Maybe they feel confused about where they want to live and how they want to engage. If they have avoided any obligations within or to their families, they may suddenly have to take on that responsibility.”

He urges these people to prepare for quick revelations. “They may suddenly realize where they live and don’t want to live, or they may suddenly realize that a family member has lied to them about something,” he says.

Some questions for archers to consider during this eclipse:

“Where do I want to live? How am I taking responsibility for my family? And what does my long-term home look like?”

Pisces have nowhere to hide during this eclipse. Sergey Kamshylin –

For Pisces, this eclipse is activating their first house of self.

Grim tells The Post that this eclipse signals “the letting go of everything that is formative to their identity. Pisces can kick a toxic health habit or change their lifestyle. They may release resentment or have some kind of spiritual awakening. A vivid dream may inspire them, or a mystifying alignment or pattern may guide them into a new chapter of life.”

Grim notes that for some Pisces, the energy of this eclipse can feel overwhelming, requiring retreat, reset and reflection.

“I think this eclipse will be enlightening for Pisces, especially about what lifestyles or habits or thought processes have been holding them back.”

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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